The Face of Europe – Aspen Review Café

On behalf of the Aspen Institute Central Europe, we invite you to a public debate of the Aspen Review Café series, organized on the occasion of publication of the recent issue of Aspen Review Central Europe quarterly called “The Face of Europe”.

Is the European Union integration process stalled by Brexit? Is the EU to become a superstate or to disintegrate in near future? Will France and Germany set the pace of future integration? Will the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland by staying outside of Eurozone lose their influence on the future shape of the EU? Do not miss the unique opportunity to discuss these questions with:

  • Roland Freudenstein, Policy Director from Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, Brussels
  • Janusz Reiter, Founder and Chairman of the Board of the Centre for International Relations, Warsaw

The public debate will be held on October 22, 2018, 4 pm at Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Room.

The debate will be chaired by Ivan Hodáč, the President of the Aspen Institute Central Europe, and will be held in English.

