The Future of International Trade: Where do we go from here?

16:00 - 17:30

There are many upcoming hot issues which concern the future of international trade and the European Union. The developments surrounding the coronavirus pandemic and its effect on the global economy have only aggravated the already very complicated trade (and other) relations between the three key economies, the EU, United States and China. Moreover, the vote of Europe’s second-largest economy to leave the EU has shaken supply chains across the continent, and the future EU-UK relationship is yet to be fully defined.

In the debate, we will discuss:

the EU and US trade relations, and the influence of the halt of theTTIP negotiationsadditional US tariffs on a range of products, and other issues arising since arrival of Trump administration

✔ the United States’ “two track system” to China, which combines geopolitical and technological confrontation with the alleviation of trade disputes resulting in a provisional trade deal

✔ Brexit and the uncertainty presented by the failure of United Kingdom and European Union to craft a complex Free Trade Agreement within the quickly expiring interim transitional period



Moderator of the event is Ivan Hodáč, Founder and President of the Aspen Institute Central Europe.

Introduction and closing remarks: Jan Macháček, Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Politics and Society

Watch live and ask questions via Zoom Webinar or on Facebook.