We would like to cordially invite you to the annual conference of the Aspen Institute Central Europe The Shape of (Central) Europe 2019, which will be held on 27 November in the Prague Crossroads in cooperation with the Economia media house.
The aim of the conference is to provide an overview of the political, economic and social development of the Czech Republic in the context of Central Europe. Like last year, the discussion will be based on studies by Aspen Institute Central Europe expert groups, which in addition to analyzing the state of the Czech Republic in the monitored areas, will also include specific recommendations for improvement. Experts from the business, academic and non-profit sectors will join members of the government on the conference panels.
The Shape of (Central) Europe 2019 will focus in more detail on the links between the areas studied so far, specifically interconnecting three themes of Czech development:
➡ education – competitiveness
➡ security – innovation
➡ quality of life – regional differences
Of course, the results in all areas depend on the quality of governance and the functioning of the institutions on which the recommendations will be focused. A special conference panel will be devoted to examples of innovative entrepreneurship in Central Europe.
Just like last year, the conference will be preceded by regional debates. We will once again head to the regions of the Czech Republic as well as to other Central European countries this year. The first two debates already took place in Olomouc on the topic of quality of life in May and and in early October we held a debate focusing on security & innovation on the occasion of Warsaw Security Forum. Other two debates were held in Košice on quality of life (October 16) and in Ostrava on education (October 22).
You can register here:
The conference will be simultaneously interpreted into English.
The program will be published in the fall.
We look forward to seeing you!
Aspen Team