Strategies for Successful Cities:
A Dutch Perspective; Bratislava

18:00 - 20:00

Aspen Institute Central Europe in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Czech Centre in Bratislava organize a public debate on smart mobility and self-driving vehicles. The debate is a part of the series Strategies for Successful Cities: A Dutch Perspective. 

The aim of the project is to discuss city innovative concepts in the Central European context, with showcases from the Netherlands with the objective to share best practices. A keynote by Zef Hemel, Dutch visionary urban planner, will be followed by a panel discussion chaired by Ivan Hodáč, President of Aspen Institute Central Europe. The following guests will share their views on smart mobility, self-driving vehicles and intelligent cities:

Martin Haluš, Institute of Environmental Policy
Zef Hemel, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Economic Board
Vladimír Janypka, ABB Group
Martin Noskovič, Smart City Platform Invipo
Pavol Prepiak, Slovak Automotive Industry Association
Peter Varga, Ministry of Transportation

The debate will be in English language!