Society 4.0: The Future of Health

(The debate was held in Czech.)

Another debate from the Society 4.0 series, which addresses key issues of the modern era in the context of the impact of modern technologies and innovations, will take place on 27 May 2024 in partnership with Opero and Neuron Foundation.

This time, we focused on our health. How is our health evolving? Which technologies and scientific findings could be groundbreaking for the future of health? What will and should future healthcare look like at a personal and systemic level?

Speakers of the debate were:

The debate was moderated by Petr Smejkal (internist and infectologist), who also shared his opinions and views on healthcare issues with the participants.

What were the main ideas the participants heard?

  • Prevention is key: If we put more emphasis on prevention, we wouldn’t have to invest millions in expensive treatments.
  • Health literacy / Educating society and the younger generation about healthy lifestyles: Children often learn bad habits from their parents.
  • Rigidity to change and short-term strategies in government: Government officials should continue to work together after their mandates are over, not just during their terms of office.
  • The need for professionals to be open to change and innovation in health care.
  • Healthcare costs are triple, but this does not make the system more efficient; quite the opposite.

Watch the whole debate from the recording (in Czech):

Watch a short video from the evening (in Czech):

In conclusion, all the experts agreed that the Czech healthcare system is at a very high level, but it is facing a concerning trend. An aging population and a low birth rate will cause a lack of finances in the healthcare system.

Thanks to T-Mobile and ABRA Software for their support.

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