Aspen Central Europe Leadership Award 2020

23. 11. 2020

The Aspen Central Europe Leadership Award was bestowed for a second time this year. This award is given to young successful professionals for outstanding achievements in their field in one of the following areas: leadership based on principles and values, active promotion of a responsible civic attitude and innovative policies with a positive social impact in Central Europe.

The award ceremony was presented by the philanthropist Michaela Bakala (Bakala Philanthropy), who emphasized the importance of value-based leadership. One is not born a good leader, but one becomes one by developing the right values. What is important is leadership that leads to a higher good and not merely self-enrichment.

This year’s awardees are Tereza Kalousková, UPOL’s foreign coordinator, who participates in a large number of volunteer activities that help foreign students at Palacký University and make it easier for many of them to overcome the period of uncertainty caused by the pandemic and quarantine, and Michal Tarnowski, co-founder of the Academy of Civic Knowledge and two educational start-ups Nativated and, which in their activities also focus, among other things, on providing access to education for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Video recording 5:46:30 – 6:00:00