We release this year’s 1st issue of Aspen.Review with the title Freedom for Nations dedicated (not only) to the 100th anniversary of 1918. But we also try to look to the future. Therefore, we are happy to share it now with you!
Freedom for Nations
The right of Self-Determination has changed the world forever. Yet, today’s European system still wrestles with the very problems the 14 points were trying to address. How do we read a heritage of Wilsonian policy in the current circumstances? What did it bring to the last decades and what will it bring to the next one hundred years? 1918–2018–2018.
Heinfried Münkler wrote a text about the Proclamation of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination and Its Present-Day Repercussions as one of the standpoints to look at this years’ anniversary.
Wilson proclaimed that nations have a natural right to exist, he overlooked the fact that a nation’s de facto situation depended on the degree of its economic development and cultural context – Herfried Münkler
Apart from the articles tackling the issue of freedom for nations, you can find more topics, stories and articles such as Let Us Build Bridges Instead of Walls by our Alumna Adéla al Sharua describing the migration situation, or a fascinating interview on fake news with Liz Corbin, from the BBC fact-checking team.
What we, the journalists, can do is to produce great content which has truth and impartiality at the heart of it, but make it in a way that is going to be shareable, viral video, reaching many people – Liz Corbin

Furthermore don’t miss the comment on the Crisis of Central European University in an Age of Political Populism by Larry Wolff, or the story by Robert Anderson about how the Central Europe Has Fallen out of Love. But be sure Central Europe offers us a lot more – in this issue.
The privatization of Central Europe’s “crown jewels” and granting investment incentives to foreign investors have rarely been popular, either with voters or local business elites – Robert Anderson
Read the whole articles at the Aspen.Review website, download the eBook version or get a hard copy at one of our events. And you already can be looking forward to the next issue coming this summer – this time we’ll look beyond human. Enjoy the reading!
And please – don’t hesistate to share texts you like with your friends on Facebook and Twitter! Thank you.
Jenda Žáček
Publishing Editor of Aspen.Review