What Does It Mean To Move a Society To a Cloud?

On August 31, 2021, the Aspen Institute Central Europe organized an expert workshop entitled What Does It Mean To Move a Society To a Cloud? The workshop was held under the umbrella of the NextGen Network, a collective action led the Aspen Institute’s International Partners and Microsoft, which brings together young leaders to develop an understanding of how new technologies, like artificial intelligence, will affect their lives and societies.

It was led by Sara Polak, Paioneers Lab & prg.ai, and Josef J., Ethereum Foundation, who challenged the participant to discuss the topics of the future of state institutions and what cloud societies would mean, as well as what it means to do business in the 21st century, diving into the topic of DAO.

The brief summary of the key concepts discussed at the workshop and questions to spark any further dialogue can be found here:
Brief Summary of the Key Concepts


The workshop was preceded by an online public debate entitled The Future of Forming a Society In the Cloud, an interdisciplinary debate which covered the topic of cloud societies from various angles by speakers:

  • Josef Je (Ethereum Foundation)
  • Tomas Mikolov (Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics)
  • Karel Smejkal(Architect, co-founder INSPIRELI.com)
  • Edmund Owen (Captain of the UK Amry & University of Oxford studied Archaeologist)

WATCH the recording

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