On March 28, we were delighted to welcome Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mr. Mircea Geoana, at our event entitled NATO’s Evolving Role in Global Stability which we co-organized with the Prague Center for Transatlantic Relations and Jagello 2000 under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
ENGLISH VERSION (for Czech interpretation, see the video below)
Mircea Geoana, Deputy Secretary General of NATO, opened the discussion with his opening speech at which he stressed the importance of liberty that is, however, never granted. He talked about the new Strategic Concept to be approved in Madrid in June 2022, a blueprint for keeping over billion citizens of 30 democratic Allies countries safe, in more dangerous and competitive world. He highlighted the symbolism of the last seminar on the strategic concept, which was held today at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, being held in Prague, as here, in Prague, the NATO response force was established 20 years ago, and only now deployed for the first time due to the invasion of Ukraine. “We are at the historical turning point. We face fundamental struggles for our values and our way of live – freedom over oppression, democracy over autocracy, rule of law over the rule of brute force. We must adapt over this new reality.”
In his speech, he also emphasised that we have to communicate and convince public opinions and young people that the war in Ukraine is not a regional European war, is not something between NATO and Russia. But it is a defining moment in the world whether the future will be of the rule of jungle or the future world order will be predictable. He also remembered Madeleine Albright, the 64th U.S. Secretary of State and one of the founders of the Aspen Institute Central Europe, recognising that she influence on the world, appreciating the legacy she left for us.
Since the discussion was focused mainly on young audience and students, who NATO welcomes as a critical voice to be a part of discussion on this future-oriented strategic concept, Mr. Geoana accepted 5 questions from the younger generation at the venue, among others from AYLP Alumni and also NATO 2030 Young Leaders, Jan Lukačevič and Katarína Kertýsová.
In the panel discussion that followed, Kersti Kaljulaid, former President of Estonia (2016 – 2021), highlighted the importance of sticking together, not only among the NATO Allies, or the EU member states, but among whole free and democratic states. The world has become smaller, the tensions global. “Instant solutions can only be bad solutions. I think we need a lot of strategic patience.” Also, she talked about the Strategic Concept that deals with the traditional risks, but the span and impact of technologies are now very important element that should be adopted into our strategic thinking.

This public outreach event was aimed for the general public to discuss not only the current security situation but also familiarize the audience with the Strategic Concept, which sets the Alliance’s strategy and outlines NATO’s enduring purpose and nature, its fundamental security tasks, and the challenges and opportunities it faces in a changing security environment. It also specifies the elements of the Alliance’s approach to security and provides guidelines for its political and military adaptation.
The event was kindly supported by the partners Czechoslovak Group and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
Video with CZECH interpretation: