The Call for Nominations for the 2023 Aspen CE Madeleine K. Albright Leadership Award is now open!
The Award is presented annually to young emerging professionals who have demonstrated promise and excellence in one or more areas of:
- active promotion of responsible citizenship
- values-based leadership
- and/or innovative policy with a positive social impact on Central Europe
We are looking for less-known stories that, however, deserve encouragement and recognition for their contribution to society.
The purpose of the Award is to acknowledge young leaders who deserve the recognition for their achievements, supporting those who are passionate about improving society. You can find out more about the Award and eligibility of candidates here.
The nominations are open until June 30, 2023 and the laureate(s) will be announced during the Gala dinner at the end of 2023.
If you know a person fitting into one or more of these three criteria, do not hesitate and nominate them. We are looking for nominations from the whole Central Europe!
We encourage you to submit a nomination as well as to share the open call among your network to help us raise awareness about young emerging leaders from Central Europe who deserve acknowledgement and encouragement.