OPEN UP! 2016 conference

10. 6. 2016

WHEN: June 9-10, 2016
WHERE: creative zone DEPO2015 in Pilsen

Organizers: Aspen Institute Prague, Pilsen 2015

The conference will focus on the role of culture in urban development and evaluation of cultural projects. The results of evaluation studies of the project Pilsen – European Capital of Culture 2015 will be presented. Both local and foreign experts will talk about culture as a part of strategic planning, economic impacts, participation, and other topics. On Friday, June 10, we will host expert roundtables, discussing the above mentioned issues in more detail.

You can see the program HERE (Czech version) and HERE (English version).

The conference will be held in Czech/English, translation will be provided.

Please confirm your participation for individual parts of the conference by May 31.

See conclusions and materials from Open Up! 2015.