
13. 12. 2017

Art Match: Hodnota fotografie

Ve spolupráci s Bohemian Heritage Fund jsme uspořádali Art Match na téma Hodnota fotografie.
5. 12. 2017

Aspen Annual Conference 2017 – Kam kráčíš, Česko

První den výroční konference proběhl proběhl 29. listopadu 2017 v prostorách Anežského kláštera ve spolupráci s Hospodářskými novinami. Všem účastníkům děkujeme!
5. 12. 2017

Aspen Annual Conference 2017 – The Shape of (Central) Europe

Aspen Institute CE Annual Conference focused for the first time on Central Europe. See our expert report presented at the conference!
20. 11. 2017

Streaming konference Kam kráčíš, Česko

Sledujte přímý přenos prvního dne výroční konference Aspen Institutu CE!
6. 11. 2017

Europe and the Global World: The Future of (Free) Trade

A public debate on ways how current events have the impact on commercial politics of the European Union
3. 11. 2017

Czechia – Forever Secure?

The third evening of the Where are you heading, Czechia series which was organized in cooperation of Aspen Institute Central Europe, Václav Havel Library, and...
23. 10. 2017

Report: Aspen Young Leaders Program October 2017

The 6th Edition of the Aspen Young Leaders Program took place in the Tatra mountains in Slovakia.
9. 10. 2017

Czechia – Our Place in Europe

The second evening of the Where are you heading, Czechia series which was organized in cooperation of Aspen Institute Central Europe, Václav Havel Library and...
6. 10. 2017

Czech Republic: The Shape We’re In 2017

The third edition of the annual conference organized in cooperation with the Forbes Czech Republic magazine took place on 4 October 2017 in the new...
5. 10. 2017

Let’s Vote, Czechia!

The first evening of the Where are you heading, Czechia series which was organized in cooperation of Aspen Institute Central Europe, Václav Havel Library and...
27. 9. 2017

Debaty Kam kráčíš Česko 2017

Série debat, na níž bude navazovat dvoudenní konference 2017 Aspen Annual Conference – Kam kráčíš Česko, která se uskuteční ve dnech 29.–30. listopadu 2017 v...
25. 9. 2017

Prosperity Index: Can Czech Republic keep up with actual challenges?

The panel discussion and presentation of the first edition of Legatum’s CEE Prosperity Report showed that the Czech Republic’s prosperity, covering economic success as well...
14. 9. 2017

The Way We Will Work
– New Aspen.Review is out!

We released the 3rd issue of our redesigned Aspen.Review quarterly, now with the title The Way We Will Work and the topic future of work....
13. 9. 2017

Future of Work – Aspen Review Café

As a part of Future Port Prague on September 7, 2017 Aspen Instituce Central Europe organized one of the Aspen Review Café series, a side...
12. 9. 2017

Empowerment Instead of Fear: Technology and Society

The Aspen Institute CE held a special panel devoted to the issue of Technology and Society at the Krynica Economic Forum. Can we somehow avoid...
19. 7. 2017

Petr Vizina: Dreams of those beyond the wall

Journalist Peter Vizina reflecting the visit of the internationally acclaimed architect and urban planner Teddy Cruz in our debate at reSITE festival on June 23,...
19. 7. 2017

Job Offer: Event Coordinator

Aspen Institute Central Europe is looking for a part-time Event Coordinator. Apply and join us!
29. 6. 2017

Populism and Protectionism in the EU

Aspen Institute CE organized a closed roundtable discussion on populism and protectionism in the EU on June 29, 2017 at Brussels. The session aimed to...