
29. 6. 2017

Teddy Cruz on Dismantling Barriers in Cities & Society

Internationally acclaimed architect and urban planner Teddy Cruz came on June 23, 2017 to Prague to talk about the ways of dismantling both physical, and...
28. 6. 2017

Driving Europe Forward: Future of Mobility

Aspen Institute CE co-organized a conference Driving Europe Forward: The Future of Mobility on June 28, 2017 at European Parliament in Brussels. ACE's president Ivan...
27. 6. 2017

What Europe Do We Want? Germany–V4 Forum Warsaw

On June 22nd and 23rd, the Aspen Institute Central Europe, together with the Aspen Institute Germany organized the second event in the framework of Germany–Visegrad...
19. 6. 2017

Dobrou chuť, pokud právě čtete

Nepřímé úměry často přinášejí překvapení. Jedna čerstvě odhalená je pak obzvlášť zajímavá: čím víc klesá naše ochota věřit médiím, tím dychtivěji je jako společnost konzumujeme....
19. 6. 2017

Future of Digital Europe – Prague European Summit 2017

Aspen Institute Central Europe joined the Prague European Summit on June 14, 2017. Ivan Hodáč, the President of ACE chaired a panel debate on Future...
12. 6. 2017

Call for participants: Aspen Young Leaders Program, October 2017

The call for applications is now open – join us or nominate a leader! For the first time we also accept nominations of young leaders...
4. 6. 2017

Business Roundtable on EU–US Relations in Washington

The Aspen Initiative for Europe with Aspen Institute CE co-organized a roundtable at Washington during the week of June 5, 2017. The aim was to...
31. 5. 2017

Generation Lost & Found – New Aspen.Review is out!

We published the 2nd issue of our Aspen.Review quarterly, now with the title Generation Lost & Found: Visegrad Youth refuse to become their parents and...
25. 5. 2017

EU Stakeholder’s informal discussion on Brexit and EU–US

Aspen Institute CE organized a closed roundtable discussion on the EU–US relations and the topic of Brexit on April 25, 2017 at Brussels. The session...
24. 5. 2017

Youth Becoming Protest Voters – Aspen Review Café

The Aspen Review Café series, this time focused on the topic of the extremism of the young. Oľga Gyárfášová and Michal Vašečka, two guests, took...
20. 5. 2017

Trump Knows More about CE than He’s Given Credit

Read an interview with Kenneth R. Weinstein about the relations of (Central) Europe and USA, which we released as a teaser of the second issue...
16. 5. 2017

Kořan becomes Deputy Ex. Director at Aspen Institute CE

A proficient expert on Central Europe, and a skilled researcher in international relations Michal Kořan becomes the Deputy Executive Director at Aspen Institute Central Europe...
4. 5. 2017

Ivan Hodáč pro Ekonom: První kolo je za námi. Ale co dál?

Přečtěte si komentář předsedy správní rady Aspen Institute CE Ivana Hodáče pro týdeník Ekonom – První kolo prezidentských voleb ve Francii skončilo téměř podle očekávání....
24. 4. 2017

Informal meeting with Jacquelline Fuller

Aspen Institute Central Europe hosted on April 19, 2017 a fireside chat with Jacquelline Fuller, Managing Director of The meeting gathered together representatives of...
24. 4. 2017

Central European Expert Forum in Zakopane

Aspen Institute Central Europe took part in the Central European Expert Forum, held on April 20–22, 2017 in Zakopane. The Forum brought together representatives of...
26. 3. 2017

What Europe Do We Want? Germany–V4 Forum in Prague

Joint project with the The Aspen Institute Germany which aims at fostering mutual understanding in areas, where the countries have diverging positions, and to find...
6. 3. 2017

Report: Aspen Young Leaders Program March 2017

Read the report from the 5th Edition of the Aspen Young Leaders Program, which took place in Western Bohemia.
1. 3. 2017

Aspen Young Leaders Program Vol. I 2017: Call for applications

Apply to take part in the fourth edition of the successful program!