
7. 9. 2016
Job Offer: Project Coordinator
Join the Aspen team as Project Coordinator!

7. 9. 2016
Job Offer: Intern for Aspen Annual Conference
Join the Aspen team!

5. 9. 2016
Europe after Brexit: a new start or a dead end?
On the EU Aspen workshop was discussed the domino effect following the Brexit vote, need to rebuild a trust between the EU and European citizens,...

19. 7. 2016
Aspen Review Café: “We don’t want to tear down Europe”
Should the V4 countries be perceived as "Barbarians of Central Europe"?

14. 7. 2016
New Economy: Shared, Circular, Collaborative – Colours of Ostrava / Meltingpot
Aspen on the Road! Take part in a discussion titled "New Economy: Shared, Circular, Collaborative" a part of Meltingpot, an international forum for the exchange...

13. 7. 2016
Aspen Review Café: Barbarians of Central Europe?
It is our pleasure to invite you to a public debate which is a side event accompanying the eponymous issue of our Aspen Review CEE...

5. 7. 2016
Climate Strategies and Sustainable Economies in Europe
A workshop in Florence, Italy, discussed the Post-COP21 climate strategies and efforts to implement sustainable economies in Europe.

16. 6. 2016
OPEN UP! 2016
Aspen Institute Prague was a partner of the third edition of the conference on cities, culture, and creative placemaking.

15. 6. 2016
Jeff Immelt in Prague: CEE could drive the next industrial revolution
Industry and industrial competitiveness were the main topics of a unique roundtable with the GE Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt and key regional business and...

15. 6. 2016
Take part in V4 Startup Survey!
Help us improve the legal and administrative environment for startups in the Central and Eastern Europe by filling in a short questionnaire!

15. 6. 2016
Barbarians of Central Europe? Discover the new Aspen Review!
Read the latest issue of the magazine, dedicated to the rift between old and new EU member states.

10. 6. 2016
OPEN UP! 2016 conference
The conference will focus on the role of culture in urban development and evaluation of cultural projects.

5. 6. 2016
Ivan Hodač zvolen předsedou správní rady Aspen Institute Prague
Správní rada Aspen Institute Prague (AIP) zvolila svého dosavadního místopředsedu Ivana Hodače novým předsedou a poděkovala za činnost ve funkci předsedy odstupujícímu Michaelu Žantovskému.
5. 6. 2016
Leadership games: Interviews with Czech leaders
ATAIRU presents Czech leaders in interviews talking deeply about the leadership aspects and testing the ability to move from words to deeds.

23. 5. 2016
Apply for RFE/RF Journalism Fellowships 2016-2017!
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty offers Journalism Fellowship 2016-2017. Apply now!

19. 5. 2016
Institutions in Crisis: We need more responsible leaders
Public debate Aspen Review Café about the current state of democratic institutions.

19. 5. 2016
European Economic Congress 2016 in Katowice
We are happy to invite you to the most important economic event in Central Europe that will assemble several thousand distinguished guests.

16. 5. 2016
Start-up competition Creative Business Cup for the first time in the Czech Republic
Czech start-ups active in the field of creative industries may sign up to the worldwide competition called Creative Business Cup and get the chance to...