
16. 5. 2016

Aspen Review Café: Institutions in Crisis

What is causing the radicalization of Europe? How can democratic institutions regain legitimacy? Is Central Europe turning toward illiberalism? Discuss in a public debate titled...
28. 4. 2016

APPLY NOW! Long-term internship

Aspen Institute Prague is looking for a highly-motivated intern
25. 4. 2016

Žáček bude řídit komunikaci Aspen Institute Prague

Komunikaci Aspen Institute Prague bude od druhé poloviny dubna řídit Jenda Žáček. Na nově zřízené pozici manažera komunikace bude mít na starosti PR, sociální sítě...
20. 4. 2016

Art Match: Cultural Philanthropy and Alternative Cultural Institutions

The seventh debate in the Art Match series was devoted to cultural philanthropy and alternative cultural institutions.
3. 4. 2016

INSTITUTIONS IN CRISIS: Read the new Aspen Review!

The latest issue of the quarterly covers the many current challenges faced by democratic institutions.
12. 3. 2016

Aspen Young Leaders Program 2016

Report from the 4th Edition of our flagship event for young Central and Eastern European professionals.
1. 3. 2016

Art Match: Patronage and National Gallery

The sixth in the Art Match series discussed the challenges in financing National Gallery.
25. 2. 2016

Placemaking: Multisource financing

Public debate about sources of financing in creative placemaking in the V4 countries.
18. 2. 2016

Creative Industries and the City: Prague, Warsaw, Budapest

The event looks into the perspectives of creative industries, their impact on the city and their intersection with cultural strategies and financing schemes through the...
30. 1. 2016

Digital Economy in Central and Eastern Europe

An overview of digital agenda statistics in the region
27. 1. 2016

Supporting Start-Ups and Small Digital Enterprises in V4

Policy meeting which discussed examples of public and private support schemes.
25. 1. 2016

Job Offer: Communication and PR manager

Join the Aspen team!
12. 1. 2016

Open Up! Creative Placemaking Festival 2015 | Conference Materials and Conclusions

Conclusions, presentations, photos, and videos from the 2nd edition of the festival.
21. 12. 2015

Long-term internship: digital agenda

We are looking for an intern with focus on digital economy, legal and social aspects of modern technologies. The internship will start in February 2016.
15. 12. 2015

Art Match: Art Patrons and Awards for Young Artists

Read a report from the latest Art Match debate.
8. 12. 2015

CREATIVE INDUSTRIES: New Aspen Review out now!

Read the new issue of the magazine focused on creative economy and urban development.
3. 12. 2015

Aspen Review Café: City & Creative Industries

Read a short report from a public debate focused on creative economy and placemaking.
16. 11. 2015

4+4 Day in Motion – A Debate

Závěrečná zpráva z podvečerního symposia na téma revitalizace opuštěných městských budov a areálů se zástupci kulturních a kreativních odvětví.