
12. 4. 2021

Social Media Internship Offer

The Aspen Institute Central Europe is looking for an active and highly-motivated university student for a social media internship.
6. 4. 2021

Post-covidová nová realita v ČR

Expertní kulatý stůl na téma kyberbezpečnosti v České republice v době po covidu-19.
29. 3. 2021

Will Women Change Eastern Europe? Read the latests Aspen.Review!

CE is facing a pandemic, attacks on judiciary and media and a dictatorship in EU's neighborhood. Read about women's perspective on these events in Aspen.Review!
26. 3. 2021

New US Administration: Discussion with Secretary Madeleine K. Albright

The first discussion of a planned series of Transatlantic discussions by the Aspen Institute Central Europe for this year.
25. 3. 2021

Moonshot by Aspen CE – Budoucnost vzdělávání

První ze tří interaktivních online konferencí Moonshot by Aspen CE, tentokrát na téma Budoucnost vzdělávání.
15. 3. 2021

To Ban or Not To Ban? The EU Digital Future and Freedom of Speech as We Know It

An online debate focused on the issue of protection of free speech on social media platforms and its importance for the future of democracy.
1. 2. 2021

AI v Česku.
Lepší, než si myslíte!

Panelové diskuse o umělé inteligenci v České republice, které se zúčastnili špičkoví odborníci na oblast AI.
15. 12. 2020

Covid-19 vs Civil Society – read the latests Aspen.Review!

The latest issue of Aspen.Review focus on how the civil society fights the pandemic of the new coronavirus. Are there structural changes ahead in society?...
11. 12. 2020

Artificial Intelligence
in the Czech Republic
and Poland

An online expert debate and report presentation organized by Centre for International Relations, Poland, and Aspen Institute Central Europe.
4. 12. 2020

Anti-Panic Platform II.vlna

Čtvrté kolo konference Anti-Panic Platform, tentokrát na téma oživení otřesené ekonomiky a důležitosti roli spolupráce.
4. 12. 2020

Open Call for Interns

The Aspen Institute Central Europe is looking for active and highly-motivated university students for an internship.
24. 11. 2020

The Shape of (Central) Europe 2020

Report from the Aspen Institute Central Europe annual conference on the restart of Central Europe.
23. 11. 2020

Aspen Central Europe Leadership Award 2020

The 2020 laureates are Tereza Kalousková, who participates in a large number of volunteer activities, and Michal Tarnowski, co-founder of the Academy of Civic Knowledge...
22. 11. 2020

Kam kráčíš, Česko 2020

Zápis z výroční konference Aspen Institute Central Europe 2020 k restartu střední Evropy.
10. 11. 2020

Job Offer
– Deputy Executive Director

The Central European partner of the Aspen Global Network is looking for a Deputy Executive Director.
19. 10. 2020

The Future of International Trade: Where do we go from here?

A virtual debate addressing issues which concern the future of international trade and the European Union, Transatlantic relations, China and Brexit.
14. 10. 2020

NextGen Network:
How AI can work for humanity

The International Partners NextGen Network launched The NextGen Network Report: How AI can work for humanity on September 24th.
25. 9. 2020

Celoživotní zvyšování kvalifikace se musí stát společenskou prioritou

Expertní kulatý stůl na téma zvyšování kvalifikace zaměstnanců a podnikatelů v České republice.