
16. 9. 2020

Digital Friends:
Interpersonal Relationships
in the Virtual Age

Public debate from the Society 4.0 series, this time on the impact of modern technologies on interpersonal relationships.
11. 9. 2020

Strategie pro vzdělávání
na regionální úrovni

Panelová diskuse o budoucnosti vzdělávání ve Zlínském kraji jako součást debat ke konferenci Kam kráčíš, Česko 2020.
5. 9. 2020

Aspen Young European Leaders Seminar

A seminar which encourages fresh and innovative debate on the future of Europe.
17. 7. 2020

Aspen’s 8th Anniversary

The Aspen Institute Central Europe was celebrating its 8th Anniversary.
2. 7. 2020

Open Call for Interns

The Aspen Institute Central Europe is looking for active and highly-motivated university students for an internship.
22. 6. 2020

Climate Change and Central Europe – the new Aspen.Review is here!

We have released 2020's second issue of Aspen.Review! Read about the climate change concerns in Central Europe.
29. 5. 2020

Digitální (ne)gramotnost českého vzdělávacího systému

Třetí diskuse ze série online debat předcházejících výroční konferenci Kam kráčíš, Česko 2020.
24. 5. 2020

Transatlantic Solidarity in Times of COVID-19 – A Bipartisan Congressional Perspective

A virtual discussion with the US Congressmen.
15. 5. 2020

Česko je najednou digitální. Jak zajistit jeho kyberbezpečnost?

Druhá diskuse ze série online debat předcházejících výroční konferenci Kam kráčíš, Česko 2020.
14. 5. 2020

Conference 2.0

The Anti-Panic Conference 2.0 has once again offered different perspectives on the impacts as well challenges and prospects brought upon our society by the current...
24. 4. 2020

Bet on Solidarity and Reinvention of Small and Medium Businesses: Alumni Online Network Meeting

Another Alumni Online Network Meeting to reconnect with the Aspen community looking at initiatives and experience across the network with focus on the topic of...
9. 4. 2020

COVID-19 Alumni Response Initiatives in Central Europe: Online Network Meeting

We organized an Online Network Meeting focusing on COVID-19 Alumni Response Initiatives in Central Europe to allow the Alumni to reconnect with the Aspen community.
9. 4. 2020

Aspen Young Leaders helping in the current crisis!

We are honored to share some examples of the values-based leadership put in practice by Aspen Young Leaders.
8. 4. 2020

Expertní kulatý stůl na téma kyberbezpečnost
– Kam kráčíš, Česko 2020

Setkání expertních skupin na téma kyberbezpečnost se uskutečnilo 31. března.
31. 3. 2020

Heart of Europe on the Periphery – new Aspen.Review is here!

We have released 2020's first issue of Aspen.Review! Read about the peripherality in today’s Europe.
30. 3. 2020

Call for Nominations
– Aspen Central Europe Leadership Award 2020

The call for the Aspen Central Europe Leadership Award 2020 Nominations is now opened!
23. 3. 2020

Job Offer
– Project Coordinator

Central European non-profit organization Aspen Institute Central Europe is looking for a Project Coordinator.
12. 3. 2020

The Future of Global Free Trade from the Transatlantic Perspective

The Aspen Institute CE was a co-organizer of a debate on the future of global free trade from the Transatlantic perspective held on March 3,...