AI v Česku.
Lepší, než si myslíte!Panelové diskuse o umělé inteligenci v České republice, které se zúčastnili špičkoví odborníci na oblast AI.
Covid-19 vs Civil Society – read the latests Aspen.Review!
The latest issue of Aspen.Review focus on how the civil society fights the pandemic of the new coronavirus. Are there structural changes ahead in society? Is the pandemic changing the world? Read now…
Artificial Intelligence
in the Czech Republic
and PolandAn online expert debate and report presentation organized by Centre for International Relations, Poland, and Aspen Institute Central Europe.
Anti-Panic Platform II.vlna
Čtvrté kolo konference Anti-Panic Platform, tentokrát na téma oživení otřesené ekonomiky a důležitosti roli spolupráce.
Open Call for Interns
The Aspen Institute Central Europe is looking for active and highly-motivated university students for an internship.
The Shape of (Central) Europe 2020
Report from the Aspen Institute Central Europe annual conference on the restart of Central Europe.
Aspen Central Europe Leadership Award 2020
The 2020 laureates are Tereza Kalousková, who participates in a large number of volunteer activities, and Michal Tarnowski, co-founder of the Academy of Civic Knowledge and two educational start-ups…
Kam kráčíš, Česko 2020
Zápis z výroční konference Aspen Institute Central Europe 2020 k restartu střední Evropy.
Job Offer
– Deputy Executive DirectorThe Central European partner of the Aspen Global Network is looking for a Deputy Executive Director.
Socrates Seminars
The Socrates Seminars excel at encouraging values-based leadership through consideration and discussion of big current issues and ideas through expert-moderated dialogue.
The Future of International Trade: Where do we go from here?
A virtual debate addressing issues which concern the future of international trade and the European Union, Transatlantic relations, China and Brexit.
NextGen Network:
How AI can work for humanityThe International Partners NextGen Network launched The NextGen Network Report: How AI can work for humanity on September 24th.
Celoživotní zvyšování kvalifikace se musí stát společenskou prioritou
Expertní kulatý stůl na téma zvyšování kvalifikace zaměstnanců a podnikatelů v České republice.
Digital Friends:
Interpersonal Relationships
in the Virtual AgePublic debate from the Society 4.0 series, this time on the impact of modern technologies on interpersonal relationships.
Strategie pro vzdělávání
na regionální úrovniPanelová diskuse o budoucnosti vzdělávání ve Zlínském kraji jako součást debat ke konferenci Kam kráčíš, Česko 2020.
Aspen Young European Leaders Seminar
A seminar which encourages fresh and innovative debate on the future of Europe.
Aspen’s 8th Anniversary
The Aspen Institute Central Europe was celebrating its 8th Anniversary.
Open Call for Interns
The Aspen Institute Central Europe is looking for active and highly-motivated university students for an internship.
Climate Change and Central Europe – the new Aspen.Review is here!
We have released 2020’s second issue of Aspen.Review! Read about the climate change concerns in Central Europe.
Anti-Panic 3.0Třetí vydání konference Anti-Panic, tentokrát na téma uzavření hranic, omezení mezinárodního obchodu i role médií v době pandemie.