Anya Margaret Baum is the Founder and Managing Director of The Keryx Group (TKG), an advisory that works with municipalities in the Smart City field. Since October 2015, she has been the strategic advisory to the Social Projects Department of the City of Warsaw which is spearheading the Virtual Warsaw project. This large-scale Internet of Things (IoT) project, awarded the Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayor Challenge prize for the most innovative service project in 2014, creates an augmented reality for the visually impaired and provides information to participate in and navigate through the urban space in Warsaw.

In January 2014, TKG was a founding member of the first Smart City Working Group (ZGN) at the Polish National Standardization Institute or “Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny” (PKN). Anya Margaret Baum was elected to represent the PKN’s Smart City Working Group at the Smart City standardization talks at EU level (CEN-CENELEC- ETSI) from January 2014 until conclusion in 2016.

In the Smart Cities Stakeholders Platform of the EIP-SCC in 2012-2014, Anya Baum was a member of the Smart City Finance Group, the coordinator of the Smart City Strategy working group, and a member of the Road-Map Group that helped write future EU Smart City policy guidelines.

Graduate from the College of Europe in Bruges, and INSEAD’s social entrepreneurship program in Singapore, she was elected member of the Young Polish International Network in 2010, the BMW Foundation's Responsible Leaders network in 2012; and was a recipient of the United Nations Alliance of Civilization (UNAOC) Fellowship in 2013. She continues to speak about and support Smart City developments in the CEE and Southern Mediterranean basin.

Anya Baum is the co-Chair of the Marketing and Communication Committee of AmCham Poland since 2010.

Last edited in April, 2018.

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