Jan is NATO 2030 Young Leader, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s Advisory Board member, and a member of the space section of the Council of the Czech Minister of Defence for Applied Defence Research and Development. Since 2014, he has served in various academic institutions such as the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Technical University and Charles University. He founded the Marsonaut Laboratory, a project to grow plants in Mars like conditions. As one of the most successful science communicators in the Czech Republic, he is one of the Neuron Founders of the Neuron Endowment Fund. For his earlier research under the European Space Agency, he was selected by Google and the Financial Times for the New Europe 100: a list of 100 people from Central and Eastern Europe with the greatest influence on our future, and received the British Interplanetary Society Award. He is also an Assistant Professor at the Czech Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, teaching Physics of Design. He is the founder of Energy to the Doctors, a grass-roots initiative of over 500 volunteers which helped medical professionals in more than 180 healthcare facilities across the country during the covid pandemic. 

Last edited March 2023.


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