Jaroslav Jirásko
Jaroslav Jirásko served as the K. V. Rais Elementary School Principal for 23 years. He worked as a coordinator of the so called “Middle Support Link” at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for one year and currently works as a consultant and lecturer. He was the Vice-president of the Association of Elementary School Principals for ten years, is a founding member of the Teachers’ Platform, and regularly publishes in journals such as School Management (Řízení školy), Teachers’ Journal (Učitelské noviny) and Eduzín. Jaroslav is the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of a project called “Elixir for Schools”, and a specialist advisor to the Memory of the Nations Secondary School. He also teaches at the National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic and serves as a mentor to aspiring principals. Last but not least, Jaroslav is an active social media contributor, regularly commenting on issues related to his field of expertise.
Last edited in December, 2022