Jaroslav Kramer

Jaroslav is a b2b magazines manager in Economia media house. He is responsible for business development and content supervision of five magazines (Marketing & Media, Moderní řízení, Logistika, Právní rádce and Business Spotlight), including key projects – Forum Media, HR Meeting and Innovative Legal Services Forum. Jaroslav is also editor in chief in a monthly magazine Právní rádce. He is involved in developing legal content of the Economia media house, especially in Hospodářské noviny and Ekonom. As a student at Charles University in Prague (Faculty of Law), he has worked as a reporter for the Czech Television and as an editor in Epravo.cz network. Jaroslav also worked as a journalist in Lidové noviny. In 2007, Jaroslav received Křesadlo Award for his volunteer activity.

Last edited in October, 2017.