Lucie is a communication and marketing specialist, passionate about sustainable development and social innovations. She works as a Marketing Specialist at Arendon Development Company, the developer of the Oaks Prague residential project. The mission of Oaks Prague is to create a pleasant living environment in the midst of nature with all the conveniences of modern urban life. 

Previously, she was a Program Manager at the Aspen Institute CE. She was responsible for the coordination of specific projects, with focus on Aspen Young Leaders Program. Beside this, her job history includes several positions in the marketing, education and NGO sectors and various volunteering activities, in Czech as well as abroad. Lucie is a long-term volunteer and supporter of Zachraň Jídlo, an NGO trying to stir up a debate about the food waste in the Czech Republic. She is also member of GLEN – Global Education Network of Young Europeans, a network for learning in the field of global development and cooperation policy. During GLEN project, she spent few months volunteering in Ethiopia for Ethiopian Women Exporters Association.

Lucie holds a Master of International Politics and Diplomacy from Jan Masaryk Centre of International Studies (University of Economics, Prague) and a Bachelor of Media Studies (Charles University, Prague). 

Last edited in December, 2018.

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