Lukáš Lukačovič used to work in the Aspen Institute Central Europe as a Program Manager. His responsibilities included preparations of the Annual Conference (2018 and 2019), its run-up events and some policy events abroad, mainly in Brussels. In addition, he coordinated the work of expert groups that prepare background studies for the Annual Conference.
Previously, he worked at the Prague Security Studies Institute as an IRSEC Hub Manager, and eventually took over the PR agenda as well. He has gained experience in development cooperation at the European Commission (DG DEVCO) and the Czech Development Agency. He was also involved in the Regional Academy on the United Nations (RAUN), a mobile interdisciplinary academy, and assisted in preparations for the GLOBSEC conference in 2016. During his studies, he was active in the student organization, Junior Diplomat Initiative, whose activities he also coordinated for half a year, holding many events in Prague and abroad.
He received his Master’s Degree in International Politics and Diplomacy with a minor specialization in European Economic Integration from the University of Economics, Prague.