Maciej Bukowski
Maciej Filip Bukowski is a climate diplomacy and energy security expert, and a PhD candidate at the Institute of Political Science and International Relations at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. His upcoming PhD examines how climate change acts a balancing factor in geostrategic competition. He has published and spoken extensively on the geopolitics of climate change.
Maciej is a Transatlantic Security Initiative fellow at the International Republican Institute, James S. Denton fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) and a Research Fellow at the Earth System Governance Project. He is also a climate and energy expert at CEPA, in which capacity he writes regularly for its online journals Bandswith and the Edge dedicated to tech policy and geopolitics.
He is the founder and president of the board of the Cornell Club of Poland, which runs the Cornell Mentors for Ukraine program for Ukrainian students based in Poland. A former international disputes lawyer and a graduate of Cornell and Sorbonne law schools, he was a chief expert for the Polish Ministry of Climate and Environment and is currently a senior international analysis expert for the Polish development bank, BGK.
Last edited April, 2023.