Olga Janžurová
Olga combines many years of experience in the NGO sector with more than ten years of corporate experience working for both large international companies as well as smaller entrepreneurial ventures. Her experience in both sectors spans program management, communications and PR.
She started her career in a finance function, after which she moved to a value-added IT distributor where she was a marketing executive and she continued honing her marketing expertise in a regional marketing role in one of the largest Austrian banking groups.
In 2015 she switched gears and moved to the non-profit sector where she focused on social impact – first with a Czech NGO focused on providing home palliative care, followed by a more international focus with the Prague Civil Society Centre that works to empower and support civil societies across Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In her carreer she also helped to build a global online community platform to support the transition of society in its move towards greater sustainability, and she followed a social responsibility career for four years as a Senior Program Manager for a global start-up addressing the needs of underprivileged people.
Before joining Aspen Institute Central Europe, she worked as the Communications Manager for the European Values Center for Security Policy, a non-governmental, non-partisan institute dedicated to defending freedom, sovereignty, and liberal democracy.