Pavol Kosnáč is the Director of the DEKK Institute in Bratislava, the leading researcher of the World Value Survey project in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, a PhD. student at the Department of Political Science of Masaryk University in Brno, and a fellow at the Royal Anthropological Institute in London. His current work lies in the intersection of political science, psychology, anthropology, cognitive science, and neuroscience. Pavol studied Comparative Religion Studies in Bratislava and Oxford, focusing on the ideology and group cohesion of new religious movements, Christianity and Islam. He takes an interest in the overlaps between religion, ideology, violence, and war. Pavol occasionally works as a consultant and fieldworker for humanitarian organizations and universities around the world. He is currently involved in projects operating in the United Kingdom, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, and Thailand. He has co-authored a book entitled Fiction, Invention and Hyperreality, published by Routledge in 2017.

Last edited in December, 2022

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