Pepper de Callier
Former Chair of Supervisory Board & Founder
Pepper de Callier was a co-founder of the Aspen Institute Central Europe. Pepper was a bestselling author of three books on leadership and personal development, newspaper columnist, senior-executive coach, and Founder and Executive Director of Prague Leadership Institute. He was voted Top Corporate Leadership Coach in Europe—2015 by London-based AI Media. For over fifty years, Pepper was collecting quotes and published his favorite quotes in his latest book in November 2021.
Pepper devoted his career to understanding, counseling, and coaching leaders globally. He assisted in the design and launch of the Odyssey Program for the Vodafone Foundation, a mentoring program for women executives. Pepper assisted in the formation of Manageria, a Slovak NGO, focusing on the development of ethical, holistic business leaders.
Pepper was also a member of the Shareholders Advisory Board of Economia a.s., the most prominent publisher of business and economic news in the Czech Republic. In addition, he served as Chair of the Supervisory Board of The Bakala Foundation, which provides scholarships for Czech citizens to the finest universities in the world. He was also Chair of the Board of Trustees of The Lobkowicz Collections.
We are saddened to announce that Pepper de Callier passed away on Saturday, 29 January.
Pepper was one of the Aspen Institute Central Europe founders, a very special person who contributed greatly to its development over the last almost 10 years. Pepper participated in most of the Institute’s activities, in particular the Young Leaders Program.
We will miss Pepper and he will stay in our hearts forever. We would like to express our deepest condolences to his wife Priscilla and the whole family.
*1946 – † 2022