Zsolt Németh

Zsolt Németh is a founding member of Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Union, and an MP since 1990. He has chaired the Foreign Affairs Committee and has been deputy floor leader of the Parliamentary Group of the Fidesz and head of the Hungarian Delegation to the PACE since 2014, and vice-president of the PACE and vice-president of the EPP-CD Group of the PACE since 2016. In addition, he chaired the Foreign Affairs Committee between 2002 and 2010, and was Parliamentary State Secretary in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 1998–2002 and in 2010–2014. He holds an MA in economics and sociology from Karl Marx (Corvinus) University of Economic Sciences in Budapest and is a member of the Knight’s Order of the Johannites. He studied political science at Oxford University St. Anthony’s College as a visiting student between 1988 and 1989.