“When I was invited to join the Aspen network, it was one of the turning points of my life. I learned to know a lot of different kinds of people with very similar struggles, and I imagined better what I want to achieve in my life. ”
Radek Banga
Andrea Basilová
Katarzyna Batko-Tołuć
Peter Bátor
Vladimír Bilčík
Igor Blaževič
Roman Blazhan
““The European Future really depends on the new ideas and views. Especially in the Central Europe we need to generate the new understanding of the challenges and objectives. Aspen Institute Central Europe can help us, can be a great platform for exchanging views and establishing the creative inspirations.” ”
Michal Boni
Miřenka Čechová
Pavel Chadim
Leon Ciechanowski
Flóra Dóra Csatári
Martina Dlabajová
Pavol Draxler
Luca Dudits
Mikuláš Dzurinda
Štefan Füle
Jan Gebert
Jaroslaw Gwizdak
Joanna Gwizdak
Pavlína Hlučková
Rastislav Káčer
Anna Kagström
Peter Kerekes
Šárka Kinclová
Andrej Kiska
Branislav Kleskeň
Veronika Pavlíková Klindová
Klára Kolouchová
Ruth Krčmářová
Péter Krekó
Ondrej Kubovič
Sándor Léderer
Zuzana Lenhartová
Miriam Lexmann
Jan Lukačevič
Anett Mádi-Nátor
Sergiu Manea
Antónia Mészáros
Tomáš Mikolov
Veronika Munk
Andrea Najvirtová
Danuše Nerudová
Tamar Newberger
Jan Olbrycht
Adam Ondra
Petr Pavel
Tomáš Petříček
Jan Pirk
Peter Pištek
Sara (Boutall) Polak
James Pritts
Pavel Řehák
Tomáš Rektor
Dániel Róna
Zuzanna Rudzińska-Bluszcz
Tereza Růžičková
Marie Salomonová
György Schöpflin
Adéla al Sharua
Miky Škoda
Ivan Štefanec
Tomasz Szatkowski
Adam Táborský
Braňo Tichý
Zdeněk Tůma
Supervisory Board Member
Kateřina Šédová (Vacková)
Milan Vašina
former Executive Director
Ari Vatanen
Martin Vavrinčík
Jan Vevera
Balázs Vinnai
Anna Wójcik