AYLP Speakers

“When I was invited to join the Aspen network, it was one of the turning points of my life. I learned to know a lot of different kinds of people with very similar struggles, and I imagined better what I want to achieve in my life. ”

Yemi A.D.

Founder, CEO, Serial Entrepreneur


Radek Banga


Andrea Basilová


Katarzyna Batko-Tołuć


Peter Bátor


Vladimír Bilčík


Igor Blaževič


Roman Blazhan

““The European Future really depends on the new ideas and views. Especially in the Central Europe we need to generate the new understanding of the challenges and objectives. Aspen Institute Central Europe can help us, can be a great platform for exchanging views and establishing the creative inspirations.” ”

Michal Boni


Miřenka Čechová


Pavel Chadim


Leon Ciechanowski


Flóra Dóra Csatári


Martina Dlabajová


Pavol Draxler


Luca Dudits


Mikuláš Dzurinda


Štefan Füle


Jan Gebert


Jaroslaw Gwizdak


Joanna Gwizdak


Pavlína Hlučková


Rastislav Káčer


Anna Kagström


Peter Kerekes


Šárka Kinclová


Andrej Kiska


Branislav Kleskeň


Veronika Pavlíková Klindová


Klára Kolouchová


Ruth Krčmářová


Péter Krekó


Ondrej Kubovič


Sándor Léderer


Zuzana Lenhartová


Miriam Lexmann


Jan Lukačevič


Anett Mádi-Nátor


Sergiu Manea


Antónia Mészáros


Tomáš Mikolov


Veronika Munk


Andrea Najvirtová


Danuše Nerudová


Tamar Newberger


Jan Olbrycht


Adam Ondra


Petr Pavel


Tomáš Petříček


Jan Pirk


Peter Pištek


Sara (Boutall) Polak


James Pritts


Pavel Řehák



Tomáš Rektor


Dániel Róna


Zuzanna Rudzińska-Bluszcz


Tereza Růžičková


Marie Salomonová


György Schöpflin


Adéla al Sharua


Miky Škoda


Ivan Štefanec


Tomasz Szatkowski


Adam Táborský


Braňo Tichý


Zdeněk Tůma

Supervisory Board Member


Kateřina Šédová (Vacková)


Milan Vašina

former Executive Director


Ari Vatanen


Martin Vavrinčík


Jan Vevera


Balázs Vinnai


Anna Wójcik


Irena Závadová

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