Urban & Culture Debates

Smart Strategies to Increase Prosperity and Limit Brain Drain in Central Europe
Report and summary from the expert conference dedicated to Central Europe that took place on November 6 in Brussels.

Strategies for Successful Cities: A Dutch Perspective; Bratislava
Second public debate, this time in Bratislava, on actual challenges for Slovak cities, focusing on smart mobility.

Petr Vizina: Dreams of those beyond the wall
Journalist Peter Vizina reflecting the visit of the internationally acclaimed architect and urban planner Teddy Cruz in our debate at

Teddy Cruz on Dismantling Barriers in Cities & Society
Internationally acclaimed architect and urban planner Teddy Cruz came on June 23, 2017 to Prague to talk about the ways

A Push towards a More Sustainable Poland and Czech Republic
Discussion about the possibilities of development of Poland and Czech Republic, with a special emphasis on the role of the

OPEN UP! 2016
Aspen Institute Prague was a partner of the third edition of the conference on cities, culture, and creative placemaking.

Placemaking: Multisource financing
Public debate about sources of financing in creative placemaking in the V4 countries.

Creative Industries and the City: Prague, Warsaw, Budapest
The event looks into the perspectives of creative industries, their impact on the city and their intersection with cultural strategies

Open Up! Creative Placemaking Festival 2015 | Conference Materials and Conclusions
Conclusions, presentations, photos, and videos from the 2nd edition of the festival.
4+4 Day in Motion – A Debate
Závěrečná zpráva z podvečerního symposia na téma revitalizace opuštěných městských budov a areálů se zástupci kulturních a kreativních odvětví.

Public debate | Cities, Communities and Developers: A Bermuda Triangle?
What stands in the way of a successful cooperation of all actors involved in urban planning and development? Read a

Aspen on the Road – Colours of Ostrava
Join us for a debate about culture and urban development at the Colours of Ostrava music festival.