Transatlantic & EU activities

As an interdisciplinary, independent and apolitical platform, the Aspen Institute Central Europe supports a dialogue on critical issues of Transatlantic and European topical importance. Public debates that include cross-sectoral and in-opinion varied panelists on geopolitical, geo-economic and democratic questions are organized to challenge the audience with contrasting perspectives, support open dialogue and democratic values.

Relevant posts

The Future of International Trade: Where do we go from here?
A virtual debate addressing issues which concern the future of international trade and the European Union, Transatlantic relations, China and
Transatlantic Solidarity in Times of COVID-19 – A Bipartisan Congressional Perspective
A virtual discussion with the US Congressmen.
The Future of Global Free Trade from the Transatlantic Perspective
The Aspen Institute CE was a co-organizer of a debate on the future of global free trade from the Transatlantic
Roundtables with PEW Research Centre
Expert round tables for sociologists and senators to meet with representatives of Pew Research Center to discuss the results of
Generation Next – Europe’s Futures Conference
The international conference organised in cooperation with Aspen Institute Romania and Institute of Human Sciences, with the support of Erste
What happened to Wilsonian Idealism?
The international conference prepared in cooperation with CERGE-EI and the U.S. Embassy in Prague.
Europe and the Global World: The Future of (Free) Trade
A public debate on ways how current events have the impact on commercial politics of the European Union
Populism and Protectionism in the EU
Aspen Institute CE organized a closed roundtable discussion on populism and protectionism in the EU on June 29, 2017 at
Driving Europe Forward: Future of Mobility
Aspen Institute CE co-organized a conference Driving Europe Forward: The Future of Mobility on June 28, 2017 at European Parliament
Business Roundtable on EU–US Relations in Washington
The Aspen Initiative for Europe with Aspen Institute CE co-organized a roundtable at Washington during the week of June 5,
EU Stakeholder’s informal discussion on Brexit and EU–US
Aspen Institute CE organized a closed roundtable discussion on the EU–US relations and the topic of Brexit on April 25,
Central European Expert Forum in Zakopane
Aspen Institute Central Europe took part in the Central European Expert Forum, held on April 20–22, 2017 in Zakopane. The